Monday, June 13, 2016

bu Nurul

Today bu Nurul, a kindergarten teacher A RA Kebonrejo 3 Salaman, was with the children activities in kelas.Bu Nurul has planned activities to develop children's ability to "draw an object with a pattern". Drawing, is not the first new activities to do, there are some kids in class have the draw through a variety of patterns and a few other simple shapes.The theme of the activity is "My Fatherland" Mrs. Nurul number of students is 20 children, and on that day all the children there were absent .It is known from the results of regular absences conducted every morning in the order named.After roll call Mrs. Nurul invites children to review events from waking up to going to school to sing with simple songs that include the song "Wake Up, prayer 5 times, and the shower in the morning" are all songs sung while clapping along.At its core activities filled with the provision of duty that is drawing a palace of the State President of the Republic of Indonesia, drawn children with their imagination each without giving previous example, at the same time some children coloring pictures they had bought dati artisan toys in school (tiger, elephant, lion Palace Princess Sofia etc) .Then after the children finished working lever, Mrs. Nurul allow them to rest.After completion of the break Mrs. Nurul invite children to sing a song about "the doctor, the flag, Cat telu and Garuda Pancasila." Then after praying together with children are welcome to return to their homes - maisng.

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