Monday, June 13, 2016

Mrs. Ety

  Today Mrs. Ety kindergarten teacher Tunas Rimba for group A will carry out teaching by making RKH theme "My Fatherland" to develop capabilities in terms of Conduct or habituation, Physical Motor, Cognitive, Language, Social Emotional and Art, so that children will know and understand , the flag of our country, the symbol of our country, the child knows and can sing - song compulsory, children can be simple arithmetic, children can recognize numbers and letters, children are invited to write numbers and letters.
• Beginning: line, reading Asma Ul Husna, enter the class and continued to pray.After praying bu Ety roll call of children - children with called one by one, and it happened today the child - the child goes home.
Followed by a conversation - a conversation and asked questions about the flag of the Republic of Indonesia and the state emblem of the Republic of Indonesia.- What are the colors of our flag children - children?- What is the symbol of our country's children - children?
Furthermore, children - children are invited to practice saying words which read:- "Red and white flag"- "Bird Garuda emblem of our country"with pronunciation or the correct pronunciation, followed by singing:"Berkibarlah Benderaku"
• At the core activities of Mrs. Ety explains and describes the tasks that must be done children - children.
task IMrs. Ety divide flags, red strips of paper, glue and toothpicks to do fill pattern portion flag image above.
task IIChild - a child that has been completed, take a picture book to draw the flag, as already explained and explained and exemplified by Mrs. Ety as follows:- Picture of the flag, next to number 1- Picture two flags, next to the number 2and so on until the number 5.
task IIIMrs. Ety made examples of writing letters on the blackboard "b e n d e r e",child - the child takes a book and then copying the text box as exemplified Mrs. Ety.
• When finished, children - children playing outside the classroom break of approximately 20 minutes, followed by washing their hands and eating together. Finish eating together and straightened a table and chairs.
• Continued the final activityMrs. Ety invite children - children uttered the verse "Benderaku", followed by singing "Berkibarlah Benderaku" and the song "Garuda Pancasila".
Once completed, assessing the ability of a given task.- Discussion of activities carried out today- Testimonials- Pray- Round

Teaching and Learning Activities undertaken Mrs. Ety Yulianti with the theme "My Fatherland" Opening Event:- Classified, Asma Ul Husna reading, going to class, pray, roll children - children.- Singing songs on the theme, the song my homeland.- Speaking - conversation about our state flag and emblem of our country.- Children - children are invited to say "Red and White Flag" and "The Great Seal of our Eagle" with the correct pronunciation or speech, continued to sing the song "Berkibarlah Benderaku".
 Main Activity:1. Children - children were given flags and red color to the paper cutouts
fill pattern on the flag.

2. Children - children who have completed required to take a picture book to draw the flag corresponding figures are exemplified Mrs. Ety.





3. Then children were asked to take the box to continue the task of copying letters.b e n d e r a

 Rest- Playing outside- Washing hands- Eating together
 End Activity- Inviting children imitate uttered the verse "Benderaku"Red and White Flag My CountryRed means the BraveWhite means the SaintsFluttering the sky blue- Forwarded by singing songs Berkibarlah Benderaku and Garuda Pancasila- Assess the ability of a given task- Discussion of activities carried out today- Testimonials- Pray- Round

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