Monday, June 13, 2016

Bu Sri

Today Bu Sri will teach children to count and introduce the numbers 1-10. Bu Sri is an educator at KB Dian Pertiwi. Bu Sri has planned activities to develop the ability to count 1 - 10. For the theme of this day is "The Universe" with students 15 children.The first activity starts from praying then Bu Sri roll call of children with songs, and children are invited to sing "Little Star" while moving the hands up and bodies swaying right and left. Finished singing children were asked to sit in a circle, then Bu Sri invite children chatted about the stars and Bu Sri Bintang big picture shows children then asked to count the pointy corner.Bu Sri core activities provide images of objects in the sky that is written next to the numbers and the child is asked to calculate and draw a line corresponding number of images. Done draw pictures of the kids asked coloring the picture. After completion of all children were asked to forward one by one to count the picture and write the numbers on the board. There are some children who can not write numbers and Mrs. Arini taught. Once the activity has been completed all Bu Sri invites children to pray to eat and kids eat the food he brings rest.Finished resting, children are invited to imitate said Star, Moon, Sun, Cloud and Rainbow. Then Bu Sri review activities that have been performed on this day. After the prayer and go home

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