Monday, June 13, 2016

Bu wid

Bu wid is a teacher with a group B disebuah TK.Pada day Wednesday, April 20, 2016, was with the children commenced dikelasnya.Bu Wid has planned activities that can improve children's ability to write a few sentences sederhana.Di Her class had some kids who can write his own name and several other simple sentences.The theme of the activity is "The Universe" The number of students bu Wid senenarnya 20 children, but on that day there were 3 children who do not attend school, it was known as Mrs. Wid roll students.After the roll Bu Wid invite their students to sit in a circle, and then he invites the children to sing the song "Ibu Kita Kartini" while clapping to the rhythm of singing lagu.setelah Bu Wid pediatric shows a drawing of the moon and bintang.Bu Wid invites children to count the number of months and bintang.Setelah all images counted the children were asked to spell the existing text under the picture. (mOON, STARS, Etc.).Bu Wid on core activities encourage children to draw stars and coloring gambarnya.Setelah completed activities bu Wid then assign children to write the names of space objects, for example: planet, sun, moon, stars, etc.Having the child asked to collect worksheets, but there are some children who have not completed and still trying to complete the task by writing answers on a sheet kerjanya.Pada further activities of children given the task of coloring pictures of landscapes.After that Mrs. Wid asked the children to rest and eat lunch brought from home.After the break, Mrs. Wid invites children to sing the song "Thank God" and children are allowed to go home

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