Monday, June 13, 2016

Mrs. Saroh

Today is Monday Date February 23, 2016, Mrs. Saroh a teacher BA Aisyiyah Donorejo Secang doing activities Iqro 'in the morning, before learning activity starts, after learning Iqro' finished Bu Saroh line up the kids in the corner of the room of children in order to count and utter yells kindergartner. After that the children will start initial activities are praying, singing and storytelling in which children were set sits neatly on the carpet (classical)When finished praying the children sing some songs the kids yangs in accordance with the theme of today as well as the roll call of children with singing. Furthermore bu Saroh provide opportunities for children storytelling. Ravin is one child who loved to tell stories. "Mom I want to tell the teacher" then the boy started to tell me who happen to fit with the theme of the day. "The teacher and the friends I want to tell you, yesterday Sunday I went to pasarn with my mother to buy some cooking purposes, I so know what cooking tools are typically used by Mr. Koki, a knife and a pot, because the pack chef it turned out to work cooking and also made a cake that I really like. "his friends applauded after Revin finished.Then bu Saroh give stars to Revin for his courage to tell the class, after the bu Saroh invites children to play pat chef.Pat chef cheff ....... ........ prok prok 3x 3xWear clemek prokk download skillet ....... ........ 3x 3x prokOsreng osreng 3x savory ........Then bu Saroh invites conducting core that consists of three activities which are coloring pictures chef, mimicking said the chef could cook and count the number of tools in the picture. Before starting core activities, bu Saroh shows drawing paper written underneath chef CHEF, bu Saroh give an example on the board and children forward one by one to learn to write the letter K. After that bu Saroh describe the task. Then the children took the magazine and tool tulisya then sat in a chair that has been provided, after the core activities of children rested for 30 minutes, although there are some children who have not completed the work and there are children who can not count (counting) so that the child was crying because friends had rushed out of the classroom for recess.After completion of the break, bu Saroh invites children to imitate the movements of soldiers who were wrestle, crawling, creeping lurking enemies, and bu teacher showed images of brave soldiers, saying, "Who among you that tomorrow I want to be a soldier? .... The children were scrambling to lift telunjukknya. After the children are allowed to go

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