Monday, June 13, 2016


A. BEGINNING ACTIVITY• Master immediately drill a child and arithmetic in front of the class when he heard the bell, children - children are invited to do gymnastics / charm morning to the accompaniment of the song "Let spinning" as he walked into the classroom.• Teachers say hello and invite children to pray together before kegiatan.selanjutunya;• The teacher sing "tik tik rain" while dancing with pointing outwards class / window which happened to be the drizzling rain, the teacher then asks / tells children about the benefits of rain and invites children to give thanks by reciting the prayer of rain (Allohumma Soyyiban Nafi 'a) and artinya.selanjutnya;• Teacher asks children absent / roll with distributing books attendance of children by inviting children to draw rainfall in the attendance book.

B. CORE ACTIVITIES• Teachers do appersepsi by reciting poetry natural phenomena seen children then sang enthusiastically followed poetry and singing teacher.• The teacher then explains the fleeting events in the song and continued or clarify the following activities, namely to explain natural phenomena on the occurrence of rain through the props image. In this activity the teacher do the assignment or asked questions as evaluation and assessment.• The next activity teachers encourage children imitate the movement of the clouds in the wind and paste collage image of cotton clouds form, then children are invited to create a cloud and teachers demonstrate how to create a collage of white clouds, the interaction of children keen to make it, by asking a few children to help teachers distribute equipment and material that is required is a worksheet, glue and cotton.• Teachers around observing, provide reinforcement and occasional help children who need help. After completion of sticking children are invited to wash their hands and prayer before the break / prayer to eat and children invite a break to eat lunch.

C. DO TO END• Children go to class and pray after eating, the teacher to review the activities that have been done that day then the child - the child on whom to repeat the song of natural phenomena and was given the assignment to imitate the sound of light rain, heavy rain accompanied by wind and thunder.• Teacher closing cover activities with prayer and greetings. Kids line up out of the classroom and shook hands with the teacher's home

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