Monday, June 13, 2016

Bu Wiwik

Today Mrs. Mandy, a kindergarten teacher B PGRI Sidoagung, being with the kids started activities in kelas.Bu wiwik has planned activities to develop children's ability to recognize numbers Symptoms Alam.Jumlah 1-20.Tema activities protégé Bu Wiwik 20 child.Mrs. Mandy initiated activities today with marching before class and then children go to class, turning absent already listed numbers 1-20 corresponding serial number of each child is absent on the board that has been absent tersedia.Kemudian continued praying and started greeting by Mandy bu. after that bu Wiwik invited children movement and song rise and rise to peak Gunung.Selesai movement and song bu wiwik showed images of the mountain in about magelang and children in order to give figures ahead of the volcano.Sign in to your core activities Bu Wiwik invite children sitting on the carpet in a circle and explain the first three tasks sekaligus.Yang bu Mandy gave pictures volcanoes, children were told to draw a line to the number corresponding to the number gambar.Yang two sort images of the series and were to erupt Gunug provide pictures volcano erupted three children in order counting jumlahnya.Setelah described the child-free take on the task which first wants to do and be seated in a seat at will anak.setelah three children completed tasks waved onward to judged by Mrs. Mandy.Rest of the children wash their hands, pray before meals, makn together, berdooa after eating, playing.Bu Wiwik end activities encourage children to race sticking pieces of the picture volcanic eruption which has been given a number to the evaluation board flanel.setelah daily activities and events at the end with a prayer

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