Monday, June 13, 2016

Mrs Ida Yulia

On Tuesday, 19 April 2016 Mrs Ida Yulia a teacher in the RA group B Margoyoso Al Iman I was teaching children the Koran Iqro 'in turns before learning activities dimulai.Bu Ida Yulia has planned activities to develop children's ability to appoint counting objects .Tema activities is "The Universe".After all the children in group B completed the Koran Iqro ', Mrs. Ida Yulia invite children to class and started praying early learning led by a boy who did get a turn to lead prayers at day.After regards continued memorize asmaul khusna and prayers together with dilagukan.Kemudian Mrs. Ida Yulia roll, the actual number of students in group B is 23 children, namunada 3 children who do not masuk.Anak-children are invited to sing "Angel There are 10" .Selesai singing, Mrs. Ida Yulia invites chatting about their respective duties Angel.At the core activities of Mrs. Ida Yulia showed a picture that has been provided, an image of the house were also pictures a month and some bintang.Bu Ida Yulia invites children count together the number of images bintangnya.Kemudian shows three figures below are the numbers 15, 17 and 18, and asked the children to say the number shown one persatu.Bu Ida Yulia asks the children later in order to encircle the epitome of numbers corresponding to the number of stars that had been counted together, then coloring with yellow star and dyeing section other images with colors that they inginkan.Setelah all children finish and collect duties, Mrs. Ida Yulia allow children to rest and eat some food he was carrying.Once completed bertistirahat, Mrs. Ida Yulia invites children conversing and questioning about the celestial objects that exist on the night hari.Kemudian called a child whose turn led to pray together at the end of pembelajaran.Setelah greeting the children allowed return.

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