Monday, June 13, 2016

Mrs. Ika

Every morning Mrs. Ika welcome children - children coming to shake hands, after which the children lined up in front of the class. After all classes collected then they immediately conducting flag ceremony after upacar completed / abandoned children with Ika Bu entered the classroom each. Once inside the classroom, the children would pray before starting lessons / activities read short letters, pearl traditions and followed by prayer. When finished praying bu Ika invites children to perform ablution later continued with the cult of the cult of prayer, the children followed the event with great enthusiasm.After the initial activity was bu Ika melajutkan to the core activities that spell out the task of drawing the moon and then continued with activities swab Abur picture moon and stars. Children un follow the event through to completion.Resting time arrived children then line up to wash their hands out and then sign back kekelas to pray before they eat, after praying children with neatly take weeks to their food and then they all eat together. Once created eat children play school yard.After the children are done playing bu Ika invites children to re-enter the classroom they talk about the activities carried out from early morning until noon and then bu Ika gave messages to the children and then by praying together and the kids go home while shaking hands with Mrs. Ika

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