Monday, June 13, 2016

Mrs. Wartiyah

On this day, Mrs. Wartiyahseorang kindergarten teacher ABA Mangli group B, was started learning primarily to children in group B, yaitudimulai with marches, prayer enter the classroom, Mrs. Wartiyah send children one by one into class by naming and sorting the letters A to go to class and so on until the child goes to Z of all, after sitting all Bu Wartiyah lead prayers and continued learning to read two sentences sahadad, daily prayers, a short letter. After that then Mrs. Wartiyah opened absent and roll one by one by calling his name, there was a fourth child who did not, in fact her 30 children was only 26 children who enter.After the roll call, Mrs. Wartiyah open RKH has been prepared yesterday the contents Planning Activities to develop a child's ability to write simple words beberpa with the theme "The Universe". Bu Wartiyah take pictures of stars, moon and earth writings stars, the moon, the earth, and then shown to children by saying this picture what the kids? Which dilihatkan images of stars, kids said the star image bu, and one child singing star said small bu (words Sava). Bu Wartiyah then say yes, let us sing a little star and minor students. Finally, the children sing the song. Then Mrs. Wartiyah shows again the star image, asking "these children had a picture of what"? the children said the star image, Bu Wartiyah Tanya "is writing how"? The children said bu star? Bu Wartiyah Ask me any letters? children simultaneously say b-i-n-t-a-n-g. Bu then take a picture again Wartiyah ie drawing of the moon and the earth were then shown to the child as he told me this picture of what? children answered picture moon and earth bu, then Mrs. Tanya Wartiyah this letter read what? Pointing to the moon said the children answered month bu, simultaneously. Boy named Sava said that only read earth bu, Bu said yes right wartiyah Ms. Sava, later Mrs. Wartiyah asked what the letters in common between these images, said Sava letters b and u. Bu Wartiyah after completion of FAQs with the children taking the next task which gives photo copies images of stars, moon and earth are next to no writing dots the picture and once shared a child can be a bu Wartiyah explain to the children about the image and Bu Wartiyah send children to bold text in the paper and draw a line on an existing image with the words that correspond to the image, and when finished is collected and can rest and play outside.During the break Bu Wartiyah see the child task, assessing duties. After completion of the break Bu Wartiyah had the children wash their hands after going to class and sit in a chair because she wants to eat together before Mrs. Wartiyah lead do`a want to eat and then eat immediately started. After reading do`a finished eating after meals and after it was put into the bag feeding site each. Afterwards BuWartiyah star tells of color, form and shape the earth's moon. Color yellow star, moon form a circle while showing coins and spherical shape of the earth while showing bola.Setelah the children were asked to sing a little star and get me my moon, then Bu Wartiyah wah said this time let us return berdo`a, along -Same who who would lead the do`a? Ms. Nuraini the leader do`a then return

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