Monday, June 13, 2016


Child rows in front of the class, there was one child who became commander- Children enter the classroom while jumping- Children are invited to sit quietly- Teachers and children pray before the activity starts- Master's greeting, the child answered together- Master roll child, ask a friend who is not here today, and it turns out there are two children who do not go in that Karim and Rasya- Teachers encourage children to repeat memorized prayers together iftitah- The teacher pointed to one child per one to memorize prayers and there are still children who still have not memorized that Nafis, Nana- The teacher asks the name while writing the name on the blackboard- Master drawing  and below by writing month- Teachers prepare the first activity in the form of drawings transfix month and stick it on the green book and ask below given written months already given examples on the board. Many children who have finished among Shinta, Nadia, Naufal.- After the completion of the first activity, children are welcome to continue both activities, which draw a line on the image in accordance with the article number, for example: two three one- Bu teachers help children who are still not capable of writing that is Fara, Nafis- After completion of all, bu the teacher asked the children to rest and eat lunch that had been brought- After completion of the break bu teacher asked us to do the pat month- Continued teacher asks the activities that have been done of children today- After completion followed by reading sholawat Nariyah pray and return

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