Monday, June 13, 2016


 Opening EventBefore starting Master sequenced learning activities of children outside the classroom to go to class the children enter the classroom sequence ranks.After the children came with neat, teachers say hello and children to answer, then continued to pray before doing activities, having finished praying teacher roll call of children, teachers invited to sing along with the song Morning Star themed universe and the sub-theme of the day objects sky. Teacher tells the story of a star, the teacher shows pictures of stars to the children and explain that the star is a celestial objects of God's creation and emerge at night. core activitiesBefore starting the first activity as a teacher gives examples of how to draw a star to the children and then the teacher to share a picture book and send children to draw stars with a pencil.The second activity after the children finished drawing star then the children were told to color the image of a star made with crayons media.After the completion of activities prtama and teachers share student worksheets, concept summation with pictures and write down the number with numbers. RestChildren eat lunch before eating wash hands and pray before eating. When finished eating pray after eating followed by playing outside the classroom. Closing ActivitiesIn this concluding activity of teachers to review the day's activities and ask children find it difficult or not, then the teacher asked the children to sing a little star and morning star.After singing children continued praying packing to go home, after praying the children shook hands with the teacher and say hello and then go home.

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